By Thomas H. and Nurse Kim 

Glaucoma: 10 Key Facts Seniors & Caregivers Need to Know 

As we recognize January as Glaucoma Awareness Month, here are 10 things seniors and their caregivers need to know about this disease that effects an estimated 3 million Americans: 

1. A disease of the eye:

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, which connects your eye to your brain. Glaucoma is often linked to high pressure inside the eye, although people with normal eye pressure can get a version of the disease. 

2. Silent symptoms:

Glaucoma usually has no early symptoms. You won’t feel pain or notice vision changes until the damage is serious. 

3. It affects peripheral vision first:

Glaucoma often starts by affecting side (peripheral) vision. Many people don’t notice the loss because it happens slowly. 

4. Vision loss is permanent:

Once glaucoma damages your vision, it can’t be restored. This makes early detection crucial. 

5. Some people are at higher risk:

Glaucoma affects people of all ages, but your risk is elevated if you are 60 and older, especially if you are Latino/Hispanic. African Americans over the age of 40, people with a family history of glaucoma, and those with high eye pressure, diabetes, or severe nearsightedness also are at higher risk. [SOURCE:] 

6. Regular eye exams are essential:

The National Eye Institute (NEI) recommends that everyone over 60 get a comprehensive eye exam every year, even if their vision seems fine. An eye doctor can check for early signs of glaucoma. [SOURCE: 

7. Glaucoma is manageable:

While there’s no cure, treatments like eye drops, laser therapy, and surgery can help lower eye pressure and prevent further damage. 

8. Eye drops must be taken as directed:

If prescribed, glaucoma eye drops must be used exactly as directed. Missing doses can allow eye pressure to rise and cause damage. [SOURCE:] 

9. Exercise may help lower risk:

Regular, moderate exercise, like walking, can help lower eye pressure. Avoid exercises that strain the eyes, like heavy weightlifting. [SOURCE: ] 

10. Signs of advanced glaucoma:

Severe glaucoma may cause blurred vision, halos around lights, eye pain, or headaches. If you notice these symptoms, see an eye doctor immediately. 

Caregivers can play a vital role in helping seniors manage glaucoma by ensuring they attend eye exams, take prescribed medications, and follow their doctor’s advice. Remember: early action can save sight! 


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