Assistive Technology Services
JEVS Assistive Technology Services offers devices, software, and equipment to help individuals with disabilities perform otherwise difficult daily functions with independence and confidence.
Community Participation
Community Participation empowers adults with intellectual disabilities to gain employee-related skills and confidence through volunteering, tailored small group activities, and community partnerships.
Community Homes
Community Homes allow individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the support of caring and experienced staff.
Community Residential Rehabilitation Services
Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS) provides community homes for individuals with behavioral health needs.
Financial Management Services
JEVS Self-Directed Personal Attendant Services Program helps Delaware residents with disabilities to self-direct their attendant care at home and in the community.
Independence Network
Independence Network empowers young adults with disabilities to live independent and full lives while receiving the supports they need to continue to grow in their independence.
In-Home Supports
In-Home Supports allows adults with intellectual disabilities to live in the comfort of their own home and maintain their independence with the support of committed caregivers.
JEVS Care at Home
JEVS Care at Home provides in-home care for adults with disabilities and for older adults in Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Lifesharing empowers individuals with intellectual disabilities to develop independence through the opportunity of residing with a caring family in the community.
Supported Independent Living
Supported Independent Living provides residential supports for adults with an intellectual disability who need less than 30 hours of direct support each week to live independently.