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Getting Started with Apprenticeships

JEVS Human Services can assist you with instituting apprenticeships into your workplace. Here is some information to help you get started:

The Basics

  • Registered Apprenticeships have a sponsor (to serve as the administrator) and an employer (to hire the apprentice)
  • Businesses can create and operate their own Apprenticeship, serving as both sponsor and employer—JEVS can assist with developing and registering your program
  • Employers can also sign on to “Group-sponsored” apprenticeships through an intermediary, such as JEVS, to tailor an existing training plan to their business
  • Pre-Apprenticeships can connect employers to diverse talent pipelines and provide for baseline training and evaluation of potential candidates

Partnership Roles & Responsibilities

Not sure how to begin or how JEVS can help? See below for a breakdown of the roles and responsibities of employers and JEVS.

Employers JEVS Human Services
Identify the position(s) you’d like to hire apprentices in and provide job descriptions Connects you to an existing sponsor or assists in the creation of a new, customized program
Determine the skills and roles that apprentices must master to become fully-qualified workers Assists with building or tailoring a training plan based on the required job duties, skills, and credentials; to be approved by employer
Determine the knowledge and credentials required for the role Connects you to with approved training and educational providers
Hire an apprentice in a full-time role Help recruit and vet qualified candidates from a diverse talent pool; provide wrap around services to apprentices
Identify a mentor to train the apprentice Train and support mentors
Align training milestones to performance-based wage increases Identifies public resources and funding assistance to offset costs


To learn more about how Apprenticeships can be built into your current business operations and development plans, contact JEVS Human Services at [email protected] or fill out our inquiry form.



Starting a Registered Apprenticeship Program A Guide for Employers or Sponsors: Urban Institute




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