By Nancy Astor-Fox
Odell Studner is a longtime supporter of JEVS Human Services (JEVS). We recently asked Brett Studner, Vice Chairman at Odell Studner why supporting JEVS is important.
We are so grateful for your longstanding commitment to JEVS. Why is it important for Odell Studner to be a lead sponsor for this event?
Odell Studner Group has been serving the Philadelphia community for over 90 years and JEVS almost as long. Giving back to our community and helping people in need is part of our core values and culture. Doing so through JEVS, an organization that changes so many lives and lives our values, is an easy decision for us.
You were previously on the JEVS Human Services Board of Directors and now serve on the JEVS Foundation Board of Directors. Can you share why you stay involved?
We all have time constraints in our lives so when making commitments, especially time commitments, you want the time you invest to be as impactful, meaningful, and beneficial as possible. I have found that JEVS accomplishes this for me as the work is incredibly impactful and beneficial. I also truly appreciate the special and caring people that I have been able to form relationships with through my work with JEVS.
How do you describe JEVS to your friends and associates? How do you answer: Why JEVS?
I say that in our community JEVS is the preeminent organization which “teaches people how to fish” so they can have the pride and the ability to get back on their feet and be productive members of our society. What better way to make all our lives better?
We have shared stories throughout the years and have coined the term “development moment” to share some of the impact we have had. Is there a story or moment (or program or participant) that has stayed with you?
I can’t pick just one as there are so very many. I have learned one thing though, when either speaking of a JEVS “development moment” or listening to one, I must have my tissues ready. They are all so incredibly moving, uplifting, and inspiring. Hearing real life examples of how JEVS has turned people’s lives around is beyond uplifting and inspirational.
Why are you excited about our “GROW with JEVS” event?
I am excited about every event that JEVS has where we can show the tremendous impact we have in changing lives for so many deserving individuals. For every person that gets involved and every additional dollar we can raise, JEVS can further impact our community.
Posted in Blog Donor Profile