JEVS Human Services hosted a group of local employers and workforce development professionals for a roundtable discussion. The discussion focused on how apprenticeships shape the future of manufacturing and how companies benefit from adding apprentices to their workforce. 

JEVS Director of Apprenticeships, Valry Leroy, led the conversation about JEVS’ role as an intermediary in the Philadelphia apprenticeship ecosystem. She also shared how we provide training for in-demand skills through our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs like Orleans Technical College, Project WOW, and IT Pre-Apprenticeship.  

The roundtable also shed light on the variety of benefits employers gain from hiring apprentices like developing a highly skilled workforce, enhancing their productivity, and gaining a competitive advantage. Philadelphia Works, Inc. (PWI), also shared a variety of services they offer to businesses who have registered apprenticeships, one of them being help with finding funding.  

This employer roundtable created an environment of collaboration, discussion, and opportunity around apprenticeships.  

If you’re interested in finding highly skilled apprentices to join your company, visit this link to contact one of our apprenticeship specialists:  

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