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From Refugee to Volunteer: Meet Galina

At a volunteer event for JEVS, staff from Vanguard participated in activities to support participants of JEVS Human Services. Once a participant of the JEVS Center for New Americans, Galina reflected on her time in the program in 1999. 

Galina found JEVS CNA when she fled her home country of Uzbekistan to come to the United States at 19 years old. “My teacher Esta held up a small packet of round ‘coins’ to the class saying: ‘These are Septa tokens and today we will learn how to buy them and how to use them on the bus.’” Galina shared. 

Along with her parents, Galina attended classes where they learned how to buy coffee at Wawa, where to pay utility bills, how to put gas in the car, and how to create a resume and apply for jobs.  

Most importantly, her instructor taught her how to speak English well enough to find her first job.  

Galina now works full-time at Vanguard and comes back to JEVS to volunteer her time and skills to our clients and participants.  

Now Enrolling! Summer 2023 Training and Apprenticeships for Teens & Young Adults

By Jade A. Daniels

JEVS Human Services (JEVS) offers programs for Philadelphia teens and young adults to learn a new skill over the summer.  

Our programs offer college readiness, GED prep, skills training, internships, and much more! Programs enrolling now are: 

  • Lasko Scholars Program – helps students get accepted to college through admissions and financial aid counseling. 
  • Project WOW (World of Work) – offers young adults aged 17–24 free training in building trades and a high school diploma. 
  • STRIVE Future Leaders – offers skills training, paid work experience, and job placement opportunities to justice-involved young adults aged 18-24. 

Learn more today and spend your summer with JEVS!

JEVS Helps Mature Jobseekers Get Back to Work

By Peggy Truitt 

Have you found your current job search more challenging than ones in the past?  

Do you wish you had career coaches to guide you through the process? 

Are you concerned about how to overcome job search age discrimination?  

JEVS Career Solutions for 55+ invites you to attend our free workshop: 

 “Strategies for Success: A Job Search Seminar for Mature Jobseekers”
June 29th from 10:00 a.m. to –12:00 p.m.  

During this virtual program, our career coaches will address the challenges people 55 years of age and older face.  

Mature job seekers will learn: 

  • how to get a resume seen by employers 
  • the latest advice for a successful job interview  
  • how to handle age discrimination in the workplace   
  • the top five tips to land a job despite the competition 

Whether you are currently involved in a job search, considering a change in career, or planning to return to work, this event is for you!  

Space is limited so register now!  

Four Reasons to Grow with JEVS!

By Katie Shinholster

On June 1, 2023, JEVS Human Services (JEVS) is hosting our first annual GROW with JEVS Spring celebration. This fundraising event is an opportunity to celebrate and support our continuous growth to better support those we serve. 

If you’re interested in attending, here are four reasons to Grow with JEVS!: 

  1. JEVS serves 16,000 individuals each year – learn more about our programs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware 
  2. A strong city depends on robust economic development and a qualified workforce. Support our work as a regional leader in workforce readiness training and job placement. 
  3. Ending gun violence is a priority for everyone in Philadelphia. Explore our intervention services that invest in individuals and provide the necessary supportive services. 
  4. Support our programs that re-engage young adults and provide them with education and employment pathways. 

Now is the time to plant seeds for the future. It is time to grow JEVS’ supports for the individuals and families we serve, raise awareness of our work in communities, and expand our outreach. 


Intern Q&A: Meet Jackie

Jackie began as a student in JEVS Project WOW program where she learned property maintenance and gained professional development skills. After graduating from WOW, Jackie continued on with JEVS and enrolled in the JEVS IT Pre-Apprenticeship program to advance her technical skills.  

Now, an intern at JEVS Orleans Technical College, we talked with her about her goals and why she chose JEVS to be a part of her journey. 

Why did you choose to enroll in JEVS Project WOW? 

My two-year-old daughter was my inspiration. I decided to become a single mom, so I wanted to get back into school. My mom found Project WOW, so I signed up, met Sylvia and Barbara [JEVS staff], and got started. 

What made you come back to enroll in JEVS IT Pre-Apprenticeship? 

I came back because I have big dreams to own real estate and construction sites so I wanted to learn all I could to help me be the best business owner. 

What internship opportunities do you have now? 

I am interning with Career Services at Orleans Technical College and managing property maintenance with Chad, JEVS Senior Facilities Manager. 

What are the most important things you’ve learned by completing these two programs? 

I realized that I don’t have to have everything. It’s not a race, it’s not about your past, it’s about going forward. You put the work in and get what you worked for out of it. The staff is amazing and made such a large impact on me.  

JEVS Direct Support Professionals Earn NADSP Credentials

 JEVS Direct Support Professionals (DSP) work hard to care for our clients and develop their skills. JEVS Human Services (JEVS) congratulates several DSPs who earned certifications from the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) E-Badge Academy! 

  • Elizabeth Oglesby – DSP 1 and DSP 2 certifications   
  • Jarrod Anthony – DSP 1 and DSP 2 certifications  
  • Rabi Umoru – DSP 1, DSP 2, and DSP 3 certifications 

JEVS is proud of all their hard work and dedication to our clients and their careers! 

DSP staff provide direct support to individuals with disabilities so that they can fully participate in everyday life at home and in the community. Learn more about becoming a Direct Support Professional at JEVS. 

Sponsor Spotlight: Odell Studner

By Nancy Astor-Fox

Odell Studner is a longtime supporter of JEVS Human Services (JEVS). We recently asked Brett Studner, Vice Chairman at Odell Studner why supporting JEVS is important. 

We are so grateful for your longstanding commitment to JEVS. Why is it important for Odell Studner to be a lead sponsor for this event?

Odell Studner Group has been serving the Philadelphia community for over 90 years and JEVS almost as long. Giving back to our community and helping people in need is part of our core values and culture. Doing so through JEVS, an organization that changes so many lives and lives our values, is an easy decision for us.  

You were previously on the JEVS Human Services Board of Directors and now serve on the JEVS Foundation Board of Directors.  Can you share why you stay involved?

We all have time constraints in our lives so when making commitments, especially time commitments, you want the time you invest to be as impactful, meaningful, and beneficial as possible. I have found that JEVS accomplishes this for me as the work is incredibly impactful and beneficial. I also truly appreciate the special and caring people that I have been able to form relationships with through my work with JEVS. 

How do you describe JEVS to your friends and associates? How do you answer: Why JEVS? 

I say that in our community JEVS is the preeminent organization which “teaches people how to fish” so they can have the pride and the ability to get back on their feet and be productive members of our society. What better way to make all our lives better?   

We have shared stories throughout the years and have coined the term “development moment” to share some of the impact we have had. Is there a story or moment (or program or participant) that has stayed with you?   

I can’t pick just one as there are so very many. I have learned one thing though, when either speaking of a JEVS “development moment” or listening to one, I must have my tissues ready. They are all so incredibly moving, uplifting, and inspiring. Hearing real life examples of how JEVS has turned people’s lives around is beyond uplifting and inspirational.   

Why are you excited about our “GROW with JEVS” event?

I am excited about every event that JEVS has where we can show the tremendous impact we have in changing lives for so many deserving individuals. For every person that gets involved and every additional dollar we can raise, JEVS can further impact our community.   

Finding a Career Through PA CareerLink®

By Charmaine Cunningham 

Darryl is a North Philadelphia native and former stay-at-home father who came to JEVS Human Services (JEVS) for help finding employment. After enrolling at the PA CareerLink® location operated by JEVS, he discovered that the supportive services they offered included childcare and resume tips. These supports helped begin his journey.  

Darryl met with his job developer, Charmaine, who referred him to his first job where he had a schedule that still allowed him to be present for his children. This opportunity helped him successfully transition into the workforce while preparing for more.  

He continued to work with his job developer who mentored him and prepared him for interviews. In 2022, Darryl began a new role with Inspiritec as a customer service representative where he works today. Darryl’s determination and willingness to seek help at PA CareerLink® has led him from part-time employment to a full-time job in customer service. 

Learn more about career services offered by PA CareerLink® 

JEVS Employee Milestone Recognition


This month, we celebrated colleagues who have reached 20 years or more of employment with JEVS Human Services (JEVS). We celebrate their hard work, dedication, and commitment to our organization and those we serve. 

20 Years

Samantha Adkins
Arnold Anglade
Jarrod Anthony
Derrick Bacon
Nigel Bowe
Teneika Brown
Christian Brownell
Deborah Childs
Sharyn Cole
Omayra Connelly
Edward Culmer
Thomas Darden
Paul Devito
Mary Foley
Homonda Henderson
Jeanette LaRoda
Nora Lugo
Charles Monroe
Elizabeth Oglesby
Faith Oyugi
Louise Price
Sharon Rosenberg
Annette Silva
Somrith Som
Inna Vestel
Billy Vo
Amber R. Waters-Porter
Luz Wright

25 years

Andre Mitchell
Anne Porter
Darrence Roberson

30 years

Linda Best
Mark Brooker
John Medley
Erica Pugh
Musu Zeon
Rachel Ziring

35 years

Delcene Emerson
Cheryl Seaborough


Volunteer Spotlight: Celebrating Those Who Serve

At JEVS Human Services (JEVS) we’ve built relationships with individuals and organizations who offer their time and resources by volunteering with our programs and participants.  

Their work supports individuals in JEVS programs. Meeta few of our amazing volunteers:  John, Denise, and Sonya. 

John Wambold

John comes from a family of volunteers and wanted to carry on his family’s tradition. He has volunteered with JEVS since 2021. John and his wife volunteer at several of our programs helping with administrative tasks and picking up and delivering items such as diapers for our participants. It makes me feel good to give back and carry on my family’s tradition of volunteerism.  My wife and I continue to support JEVS in any way we can, John said. 



Denise Alston



Denise organizes donations to JEVS from Forman Mills, one of our largest donors of goods and supplies for our participants Denises says, Volunteering has a profound impact on me because I see the need present in our society. It helps me to embrace the fact that I’m trying to make the world a better place for everyone, and Forman Mills is involved in that cause as well.”


Sonya Priven-Grinblat

Sonya is a student at Rowan University, and started a project where she gathers other Rowan students to volunteer at our residential homes three to four times a week. She began volunteering with JEVS because she felt it would be a great opportunity to help her community. I am super passionate about mental health, and spending time with the residents of JEVS homes added so much value to my life, as it hopefully did for the residents as well!”




We value our volunteers and their continuous support of JEVS and our mission. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer fill out our form and get started! 

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